Full name: Tariano Adaryll Jackson
Date of birth: August 4, 1973
Favourite number: 3 & 5
Favourite current film: Lord of the Rings
Favourite all time film: Titanic
Favourite current tv shows: Angel/Buffy
Favourite all time tv show: Seinfeld & Robotech
Favourite film actor: Ed Norton, Samuel Jackson, Harrison Ford
Favourite film actress: -
Favourite tv actor: David Schwimmer
Favourite tv actress: Charisma Carpenter, Jessica Alba, Eliza Dushku
Favourite current singer/group: -
Favourite all time singer/group: Jackson 5
Favourite food: Coffee bean
Free time: I luv spending time on my Mac, Reading, Watching DVD's
Hobbies: Watching and collecting Three Stooges, Directing
Role Models: I don't have any
Bad Habits: Ice Blended Mocha's & I can sit on my computer for days without moving
Pet peeves/dislikes: I can't stand people who can't think for themselves and do what everyone does just to fit in
3 things people don't know about you:
- I love Japanese Anime
- I always have a book with me.
I luv to read
- I don't go to sleep till
around 3 or 4 AM